Most of us need to drive to get to our jobs and live our lives. With millions of cars on the roads, even the best drivers are bound to make mistakes. If you have been charged with a criminal traffic offense, it can mean losing your license, paying expensive fines, and even jail time.
Don’t take chances with your future. A Tacoma traffic offenses lawyer can help you understand your charges and take steps to mitigate their impact on your life. We can make sure you are treated fairly during the legal process and defend your civil rights.
Our Tacoma criminal defense lawyers at NextLaw have over two decades of combined experience. When you need help, Call Dan Next. Call us today for a free case evaluation and learn what we can do for you.
Do You Need an Attorney for a Criminal Traffic Offense?
In many cases, it is a smart decision to consult with an attorney as soon as you are charged. Doing so protects your rights from the beginning, and with the advice of an attorney, you can avoid many common mistakes that may damage your case.
Some violations are minor, and you can handle them on your own. So, how can you know the difference? Contact our Tacoma traffic offense attorneys and ask. We offer free case evaluations where you can tell us your story and get advice on what to do next.
Speaking to an attorney is always a good idea, especially when it is free. Trying to take on the justice system can be a nightmare, and you could be compromising your driving privileges. A skilled attorney in your corner can make a big difference in the outcome of your case.
For a free legal consultation with a traffic offenses lawyer serving Tacoma, call 253 238 2558
What Are Your Options When You Get a Traffic Citation?
If you get a traffic ticket in Washington State, you can handle it in a few different ways, depending on the circumstances.
Pay the fine
In clear-cut cases, you may pay the fine and go on with your life. However, be aware that multiple infractions can eventually lead to a license suspension, so you should think hard about accepting guilt.
Request Mitigation
When you request mitigation for your traffic ticket, you admit you made a mistake but request leniency from the court. A judge may be willing to agree to help your situation, especially if you’ve demonstrated a good driving record until this point.
Contest the Ticket
If you believe you have done nothing wrong and the officer who issued the citation made a mistake, you may contest the ticket. You’ll need to make your case in front of a judge, and the advice of a skilled lawyer can be very helpful.
Deferred Finding
You may also request a deferred finding for your traffic ticket. In this case, the court delays ruling on your case while you complete a specified set of requirements, such as serving a six-month probation period where you must remain infraction-free.
Tacoma Traffic Offenses Lawyer Near Me 253 238 2558
Common Traffic Infractions
Basic traffic infractions are minor instances where a motorist does not comply with traffic laws and is typically issued a ticket. Most traffic infractions result in the payment of a fine. Some of the most common traffic infractions include:
- Speeding
- Running a red light
- Failure to signal
- Following too closely
- Illegal parking
While many people choose to pay their fines and move on, in some cases, it might make sense to contest your ticket. If you choose to do so, consider contacting a traffic offense lawyer in Tacoma to help you fight your charges.
Click to contact our Tacoma Criminal Defense Lawyers today
Misdemeanor Traffic Violations
Some traffic infractions are more serious. You may face not only a fine but also jail time of up to a year. Some examples of traffic violations that can be classified as misdemeanors include:
- Reckless driving
- Racing
- Driving while license suspended and/or without a license
- Hitting an unattended vehicle and leaving the scene without advising the owner
- Hitting an attended vehicle and fleeing the scene
If you are charged with a traffic misdemeanor, it is wise to contact an attorney, especially if you are unsure you understand your charges. A simple misdemeanor can result in up to 90 days in jail and a $1000 fine; a gross misdemeanor can result in up to a year in jail and a $5,000 fine.
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Felony Traffic Violations
While losing your license is frustrating, you may have far more severe penalties for certain traffic offenses in Washington. Some traffic offenses are considered felonies, such as:
- Felony DUI (fourth DUI arrest within 10 years)
- Vehicular Assault
- Vehicular Homicide
- Felony Attempting to Elude Law Enforcement
- Hit-and-run involving injury or death
Felony traffic infractions can be charged as Class A, Class B, or Class C with different levels of potential punishments:
- Class A: Life imprisonment, a $50,000 fine, or both
- Class B: 10 years in jail, a $20,000 fine, or both
- Class C: Five years in jail, a $10,000 fine, or both
If you are accused of a felony traffic violation, it is important to contact an attorney as soon as possible.
How Many Tickets Until Your License Is Suspended in Washington State?
The Washington State Department of Licensing will suspend your license for 60 days if you are convicted of traffic infractions on three separate occasions in one year—or four infractions in 24 months.
After 60 days, you will be on a one–year probationary period, during which your license can be suspended for 30 days for each infraction you commit.
While traffic tickets on their own may not seem serious, the consequences of repeated violations are severe. A Tacoma traffic offenses attorney can limit the impact of your offenses and help you avoid fines and a license suspension.
Contact a Tacoma Traffic Offenses Lawyer
Even good drivers make mistakes from time to time. If you are facing traffic offenses, you could be looking at major fines and potentially even jail time. You could lose your license, meaning getting where you need to go suddenly becomes a lot harder.
Don’t try to take on the Washington State Department of Licensing and Justice system on your own. Our Tacoma traffic offenses attorneys know the law and can help you get your life back on track after you are accused of a traffic violation.
At NextLaw, we’re here to stand up for your rights. Contact us today for a free case evaluation and find out how we can help.
Call or text 253 238 2558 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form